速報APP / 教育 / Chinese Alphabet Coloring Book

Chinese Alphabet Coloring Book



檔案大小:29.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Chinese Alphabet Coloring Book(圖1)-速報App

Mandarin is the most common Chinese language, and is also the official language of Mainland China, Taiwan, and one of the official languages of Singapore.

Mandarin is commonly referred to as "Chinese", but in fact it is just one Chinese language of many.

Learning Chinese Mandarin writing has never been so much fun! You can learn Chinese language with colourful character.

Chinese Alphabet Coloring Book(圖2)-速報App

Now, your child can take on a second language through a fun, multi-sensory journey on any iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.

Feature of Chinese mandarin Writing Application.

1.Learn How to writing Chinese character.

Chinese Alphabet Coloring Book(圖3)-速報App

2.Learn Chinese Alphabet Practice via writing.

Enjoy with Chinese Mandarin writing for Kids. we are committed to providing entertainment that merges quality learning experiences and fun.Have Fun with Chinese mandarin Writing.

Chinese Alphabet Coloring Book(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad